Homeless Facts

Homeless in delaware

Homeless Facts

Number of Homeless in Delaware in 2022

Number of Homeless in Delaware 2020


Increase in Homelessness in the last 24 months

Point in Time Count 2023

Every year, on a single night in January, volunteers and homeless service providers conduct the annual Point in Time (PIT) count of people experiencing homelessness. Simultaneously, a census of available temporary and permanent housing beds for people experiencing homelessness – called the Housing Inventory Chart (HIC) – is undertaken. Together, these data points provide information about the number of people experiencing homelessness and the resources available to shelter and house them, in Delaware and across the nation.

Point in Time Count 2017-2021
Point in time count 2021
point of time count 2020
Point in time count 2019
point in time count 2018
Point in time count 2017

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